Archiving and Repository Policy
1. Open Access Principles:
- The Armenian Journal of Special Education" journal is dedicated to open access, ensuring that scholarly content is freely accessible to the global community.
2. Archiving Infrastructure:
- The journal utilizes a robust archiving infrastructure, complying with industry standards to ensure the preservation and accessibility of published content.
3. Metadata Standards:
- Authors are required to provide comprehensive metadata for their submissions, adhering to recognized standards such as Dublin Core and CrossRef Metadata Deposit Schema.
4. DOI Assignment:
- Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are assigned to each published article in collaboration with a reputable DOI registration agency.
5. Versioning and Updates:
- A versioning system is in place to track revisions and updates to articles. Clear communication is maintained regarding any updates, and previous versions are retained when feasible.
6. Access Policies:
- The AJSE journal maintains an unwavering commitment to unrestricted access. Any temporary embargoes or access restrictions are communicated transparently, implemented only in cases of legal or ethical considerations.
7. Long-Term Preservation Strategy:
- A comprehensive long-term preservation strategy ensures continued accessibility, including regular evaluations of preservation methods and adaptation to new technologies.
8. Backup Procedures:
- Regular backups of the entire repository, including metadata and associated files, are conducted to prevent data loss. Backup procedures are tested to ensure the security and integrity of the journal's content.
9. Collaboration with Repositories:
- Collaboration with external repositories, libraries, or archival institutions strengthens the preservation and accessibility of content. Agreements are established to facilitate the sharing of content, metadata, or preservation responsibilities.
10. Data Accessibility:
- Supplementary data associated with articles are stored, accessed, and preserved according to best practices. The use of domain-specific repositories for datasets is encouraged.
11. Compliance with Standards and Best Practices:
- The archiving and repository policies adhere to relevant industry standards, including the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model. Regular reviews ensure alignment with best practices in digital preservation.
12. Communication and Review:
- The Archiving and Repository Policy is communicated to authors, reviewers, and readers. Periodic reviews are conducted to adapt to changes in technology and advancements in scholarly publishing standards.
13. Author Repository Deposits:
13.1. Author Rights:
- Authors retain the right to deposit versions of their work in an institutional or other repository of their choice.
13.2. Versions Allowed:
- Authors may deposit pre-print, post-print, and publisher's versions.
13.3. Embargo Period:
- Repository deposits are not restricted by journal embargo periods.
13.4. Attribution and Linking:
- Authors are requested to provide appropriate attribution to the original publication and include a link to the official publication.
13.5. Repository Selection:
- Authors are free to choose any repository, aligning with their preferences and institutional or funding body requirements.
13.6. Compliance with Funding Body Policies:
- Authors are responsible for ensuring compliance with funding body policies when selecting a repository.
13.7. Journal Linking:
- Authors are encouraged to include a link to the official publication in the repository deposit.
13.8. Notification to Journal:
- While not mandatory, authors are encouraged to notify the journal when depositing their work in a repository.