attention deficit and hyperactivity syndrome, ADHD, empathy, behavioral disorders, conflict, developmental problems, emotional sphere, socially mediated fears, children with special educational needs, system of inclusive education, impulsive typeAbstract
Today, a remarkable place in society is occupied by children who need special conditions of education and their inclusion in schools, which determines the peculiarities of the organization of education. In all historical eras, the development system of special education has been connected with the socio-economic structure of the country, the state's value system and society, and the state's policy towards children who have developmental problems.
The article highlights children with special educational needs, especially children with attention deficit and hyperactive behavior syndrome. Children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder are included in the inclusive education system, and the organization of their educational activities, their inclusion in schools is considered an important and primary issue. To organize the effective teaching of hyperactive children, it is necessary to study the features of the emotional sphere of these children, which will make it possible to identify their strengths, highlight their problems, and accordingly organize their education more effectively, as well as interpersonal interactions with classmates in public schools. At present, the syndrome of attention deficit and hyperactivity is the subject of study of many psychologists, because the features of the emotional sphere of these children are not so well studied.
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