cerebral palsy, positioning, posture control, educational environment, occupational therapyAbstract
The study aims to explore the influence of supportive and challenging factors of the educational environment on the positioning problems of children with Cerebral Palsy.
The study is based on qualitative methodology. Semi-structured interview and observation methods were used for data collection. An interview was conducted with 8 teachers working at the school and members of the pedagogical psychological team members, as well as difficulties in body structure and posture control were observed for 8 children having Cerebral Palsy. Data analysis of the study was carried out using the descriptive method.
The results of the research data analysis proved the important prerequisites for overcoming the problems concerned with maintaining the body structure and keeping posture control. Mostly the importance of supportive educational environmental factors was considered to be more significant.
Also, as an essential component had been identified the need for a personal assistant for the learners, the importance of supporting team members' positive attitude, and continuous training for the members of the pedagogical psychological team members. In addition, the need to use mutually agreed approaches and joint work was also vital for ensuring the effectiveness of rehabilitation work and having positive results.
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